Yes, this tea is a phoenix...a legendary black tea that left the market along with the company that used to sell it. Due to the many requests I had to find a tea similar to it, I made it my top priority to not just find a suitable replacement, but to seek out the original source. Nearly two years later, here we are: re-launching TWMB.
For those of you that are familiar with TWMB, this is the same tea, but of course a different harvest. You will be comforted once again by the magical experience that you miss. For the rest of you...
The wet leaf aroma is of warm funnel cake, while the opening taste is similar, much like honey-glazed pastries and powdered sugar, with a touch of blackberry, fig, and a hint of spice. The rich honey-sweetness comes from leafhoppers — tiny little insects that bite the leaves, making the tea plant send healing sugars to the tips of the leaves. This tea is harvested in the summer months from wild growing mountain tea plants.
Yes, this tea is a phoenix...a legendary black tea that left the market along with the company that used to sell it. Due to the many requests I had to find a tea similar to it, I made it my top priority to not just find a suitable replacement, but to seek out the original source. Nearly two years later, here we are: re-launching TWMB.
For those of you that are familiar with TWMB, this is the same tea, but of course a different harvest. You will be comforted once again by the magical experience that you miss. For the rest of you...
The wet leaf aroma is of warm funnel cake, while the opening taste is similar, much like honey-glazed pastries and powdered sugar, with a touch of blackberry, fig, and a hint of spice. The rich honey-sweetness comes from leafhoppers — tiny little insects that bite the leaves, making the tea plant send healing sugars to the tips of the leaves. This tea is harvested in the summer months from wild growing mountain tea plants.
Whispering Pines Tea Company Black Fruity Medium Origin: Taiwan Pure Tea Sweet Tea The Wildcrafted Collection wildcrafted add-to-cart 2016-12-18