Sutra #1
Diamond Mind; Boundless Heart
The source of stress is a feeling of dissonance between experience and an experiencer. This feeling of separation is an illusion supported by a conglomerate of physical tensions. Many of these tensions reside in the head, giving rise to the appearance of a mind in the center of experience to which experience is "happening". Relaxing the sense doors (eyes, ears, etc) results in opening the sense doors to the boundless, vase, and centerless flow of The Natural State, where appearance shines as and where it is.
In seeing, there is only the seen.
With relaxed gaze, sight is tranquil.
In hearing, there is only the heard.
With relaxed ears, sound is tranquil.
In body feeling, there is only the felt.
With relaxed body, feeling is tranquil.
In cognition, there is only the cognized.
With relaxed mind, thought is tranquil.
When experience is tranquil,
the experiencer is tranquil.
When all is equally tranquil,
there is no source of stress.
In the absence of stress,
the capacity of the heart
to love and understand
is without limitation.