Esmerelda, Pre-Qing Ming, Spring 2024
Ahh, the emerald dance of spring! This is our first release for this year, and marks the beginning of an exciting spring harvest!
Esmerelda is a beautiful green tea from Yunnan, China. The flavor is super clean and bright, with a warm nuttiness and the sweet freshness of spring coming through in the whole experience. One of my first remarks when drinking this tea was "this tea has absolutely no edges", and that's continued to be my favorite aspect of this one! It's easy to drink anytime of day, and doesn't beg for attention, but there are subtle complexities there if you're willing to search for them! :-)
Pre-Qing Ming: Qing Ming is a festival held on the 15th day after the spring equinox in China (either April 4th or April 5th each year). Teas (in particular green teas) picked prior to this date are generally considered to be the highest quality harvest of the year. When tasting our Pre-Qing Ming teas, it's not hard to see why!