Back in stock after a four year gap (it was studying abroad), Amber Oolong hits hard with a strong white grape note and a silky sweet mouthfeel. There are light hints of nutmeg and possibly cinnamon with a far-off-cedar finish. Lots to love in this medium-bodied oolong! :-)
Origin: Lishan, Taiwan
Back in stock after a four year gap (it was studying abroad), Amber Oolong hits hard with a strong white grape note and a silky sweet mouthfeel. There are light hints of nutmeg and possibly cinnamon with a far-off-cedar finish. Lots to love in this medium-bodied oolong! :-)
Origin: Lishan, Taiwan
Whispering Pines Tea Company Fruity Medium New Oolong Origin: Taiwan Pure Tea Roasty Tea add-to-cart 2016-12-12